Gym Blog 10/10- Census

I really enjoyed looking through all of the censuses!  It was amazing to see how it has evolved throughout the centuries.  Most of the changes were based upon the politics and history of the current era- like being able to list if you were a free man or slave.  It's funny that even though the census has evolved to be more open of the types of families within the public, there are still many assumptions on what normal is supposed to look like.  The categorization is still there.  In the past year, I've experienced my own sort of category I don't know how I feel about it.  Last year, I becamed divorced.  Now, when I fill out any form that asks my marital status, I'm reluctant to check the divorced box.  I guess I feel that if I do, I confess to having had a failed marriage, which in turn would label me a failure.  There is the single box which I am now, but I'm also divorced.  Which is the lesser of two evils?  I pretty much base it on how I feel that day when I fill out the form- and that will have to be ok for the people who want my information!
Submitted by Olivia on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 8:58am. Olivia's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version